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Mama Sleep Tribe

Coming very soon...... a community of breastfeeding mums looking for better sleep through responsive parenting.

Want more sleep but without sleep training? - There is another way. And we can support you through this together.

Do you want more information as it comes out? Sign up to my email list below and ensure you don't miss this!

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Welcome to our Tribe

A warm, welcoming place, accepting you as you are. There's no need to seem to have it together, or to know what you are doing. A place to be yourself and not judged. You can show up as the mum you are without needing to explain why you don't want to sleep train or stop breastfeeding. Be amongst other mothers just like you, who are tired and hoping to get more sleep without compromising on your parenting ethics. 

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What is in the Tribe?

Become part of a Tribe of like-minded mums, connecting, supporting, making life long friendships all whilst having easy access to expert knowledge


Weekly Coffee mornings

Every Friday morning at 10am we will get together online to chat. Just like a toddler group but online. Bring your preferred beverage, get your little ones playing or feeding, and see how everyone is doing. We will welcome all and get to know you over the weeks and build a community where we all feel welcome and understood. I will facilitate each meet up and have a topic to discuss, or we will go with the flow and what presents itself.

Imagine a group of women supporting each other, making friends and an easy opportunity to ask your sleep questions to a professional without the 'professional' costs.....

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Roving Coffee Morning

And if Friday mornings are tricky for you......there will be a roving coffee morning (or afternoon) too. This will move around to different times to suit your needs. Using polls I will work out which time suits most people best, focusing on anyone who struggles time wise to meet us. So no one will miss out. Yay!


Exclusive Chat group

Open 24/7 to talk to each other and ask questions. This is where we can really get to know you and support each other every day (and night). Sharing good information, encouragement and anything to make us giggle can help build a warm and welcoming space. It'll be just for those in the Tribe who want to be responsive to our little ones and not push any sleep training under any guise. If you just want a moan about how tired you are or how hard parenting is, this is the place! You won't be met with "well you're choosing to breastfeed" or any other similar rubbish. And I'll be there to answer any little questions you have.



Monthly Masterclasses

This is where you can get all the information on how breastfeeding and sleep works together and how you can get more of it - the sleep part I'm meaning! Each month there will be an online 'Masterclass' on a relevant topic to you and this will be saved forever in our access area. That means you don't have to come to it live and if you miss one, you can watch it whenever you want. They will all be stored together creating a wonderful library of sleep, breastfeeding and responsive parenting knowledge.


Discounts on my other services

If you've been part of our Tribe for a few months but need a bit more of a bespoke, indepth, look at your sleeping challenges, I can do that too! I have a couple of packages here where we can work 1-2-1 to help improve your sleep. Being a member of the Mama Sleep Tribe, for at least 3 months, will give you at least 10% off of my packages. Plus there may be the odd cheeky offer on any new support ideas I am trialling.

How can I join the Mama Sleep Tribe?

The Tribe will be a membership subscription and hosted here on my website. There will be a membership area to log into where you'll find the library of masterclasses, chat and access to the links for the coffee mornings.

Membership is not quite open yet. I'm sorting out the tech behind the scenes - this is not my area of expertise!!

And the best bit - all this wonderful community, support and expert information will be at the tip of your finger for an introductory price of just £19.99 a month, PLUS the first Mama's to sign up will get a huge lifetime discount of up to 50%

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